Elsa Clara Massoc

Elsa Clara Massoc is an assistant professor in International Political Economy at the School of Economics and Political Science of the University of St Gallen. Before that, she was a postdoc at the Advanced Studies of Law and Finance at Goethe University in Frankfurt. In 2018-2019, she was a Max Weber fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. She completed her PhD at UC Berkeley in 2018.

My research is in comparative and international political economy and builds on methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives from Political Science, Economic Sociology and Economic History. My work explores the state-finance nexus, with a focus on state-led credit allocation, banking regulation, the geo-economics of finance and the political economy of green industrial policy. My other projects examine the critiques of finance on social media as well as the political foundations of retail investment.

I have published articles in Politics and Society, RIPE, Socio-Economic Review, Business and Politics, New Political Economy, and Journal of European Public Policy.

SASE has been central in my intellectual and academic development. It represents what I’ve always liked in my research field and why I chose to follow this path in the first place: the cooperation between disciplines and methodological approaches at the service of exploring important and substantial questions regarding power and capitalism. This is why I am honoured to stand for election to the Executive Council.

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