Elke Schüßler is Professor of Business Administration at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. She studies macro-organizational contexts like organizational fields, industries, global supply chains or regional clusters that are crucial for shaping the behavior of firms and hence for bringing about economically and socially relevant outcomes such as innovation and a sustainable future. One stream of her research investigates the impact of digital technologies on the organization of work, particularly in high-skilled sectors. She is a Principal Investigator in the Research Unit “Organized Creativity”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). She has also led an international research project on the regulation of labor standards in global production networks funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. She is particularly interested in regulatory dynamics unfolding in the interplay between national and transnational arenas. Her work is published in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Industrial and Corporate Change, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Human Relations, Organization Studies, and Socio-Economic Review.