University of Oxford
Professor of the History and Politics of Latin America, Posada-Carbó completed an MPhil in Latin American Studies at St. Antony’s College and then a DPhil in Modern History at the University of Oxford. He held a succession of posts in several British universities, including a Senior Lectureship in History at the University of London’s Institute of Latin American Studies.
Posada-Carbó’s current research is mostly focused on nineteenth century history, but he has also written on contemporary Colombia, paying special attention to the problems of violence and prospects for peace. He explored this subject in his book La nación soñada, as well as in various publications on the politics of language in the Colombian conflict, including an article in the Latin American Research Review, and various monographs commissioned by the Fundación Ideas para la Paz.
He has edited many books, including Origins of Democracy in the Americas: The Formation of Electoral Institutions in the Nineteenth-Century (with J. Samuel Valenzuela), forthcoming from Cambridge University Press, and Liberalismo y poder. Latinoamérica en el siglo XIX (with Iván Jaksic). He is currently directing a five-volume history of Colombia, to be included in a collection on the history of the Iberian world, promoted by the Fundación Mapfre in Madrid.