Daniel Mügge is Professor of Political Arithmetic at the University of Amsterdam. His research examines the political underbelly of macroeconomic statistics, and he currently leads two large research projects on the topic. At the University of Amsterdam, he leads the FickleFormulas research team that investigates the political economy of macroeconomic indicators and the political origins of the formulas through which we calculate them—basically asking why we measure our economies the way we do. Daniel is currently writing a book on the topic that is under contract at Harvard University Press. This research is funded by the ERC and NWO, the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research.
Daniel Mügge also leads the workpackage “Banking Crisis and Financial Sustainability” in the Horizon2020 project ENLIGHTEN: European Legitimacy in Governing Through Hard Times. In the past, he has published widely on the politics of financial regulation and accounting standards. He spent the first half of 2012 as a visiting scholar at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University; he returned to spend the whole academic year 2014/15 there, as well.