I am a professor in Technology and Social Change at Linköping University, Sweden with a PhD from Stockholm School of Economics. My research is at the intersection of studies of economic organization and governance on one side and studies of science and technology on the other. In disciplinary terms, my work bridges economic sociology and science and technology studies (STS). I have in recent years been active as both scholar and organizer in the emerging trans-disciplinary field of valuation studies which takes an interest in valuation as a social practice. I have here taken part in organizing several workshops and conference tracks. In 2012, I co-founded the open access journal Valuation Studies and have since then been one of the journal’s two co-Editors-in-Chief. I am co-initiator and chairman of the board of an academic think tank focused on outreach called Leading Health Care, and am a member of the national board for the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) and a member of the board of Linköping University.
A recurrent overarching theme in my scholarly career has been to champion inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches related to economic issues. I have to this effect taken part in creating and cultivating arenas for new scholarly discussions rooted in my conviction that research thrives when linked to ongoing and dynamic scholarly conversations. If elected to the Executive Council, I would use the entrusted role to further facilitate such trans-disciplinary conversations within the remit of SASE.