Dr. Caroline Murphy is Associate Professor of Employment Relations at the University of Limerick.
She is Director of the Msc in HRM, lecturing in Employment Relations, Human Resource Analytics,
and Human Resource Management. Her research interests include precarious employment, female
labour market participation, formal and informal care work, and employee representation. She has
worked on a variety of research projects relating to precarious work, the impact of technology on
work, gender equality in the labour market, and care work (formal and informal). Her current
research focuses on digital platforms in the care sector. She is a member of the management
committee of the COST action Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab, and Associate Research Fellow at
the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre (DIGIT, UK). Her work has received funding from the
European Commission, European Social Fund, Irish Human Rights and Equality Authority, Workplace
Relations Commission, Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, and the CIPD. She is a former
Irish Research Council and Industrial Relations Research Trust scholar. She has published in Economic
and Industrial Democracy, Industrial Law Journal, Industrial Relations Journal, International Journal
of Human Resource Management, Journal of Industrial Relations, Personnel Review, Employee
Relations, Irish Journal of Management.