Carola Westermeier

Carola Westermeier is currently visiting professor at the Goethe-University Frankfurt (Germany), as well as Research Associate at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (Netherlands). She is on leave from a position as lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Giessen (Germany). After completing her PhD in Sociology at the University of Marburg (Germany), she was part of the FOLLOW project group, supported by a Consolidator Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) at the University of Amsterdam. Her research is based at the intersections of (critical) security studies, international political economy, and political sociology. Her empirical focus lies on financial security and the politics of (data) infrastructures. Her work has been published in Information, Communication and Society (on financial transactions in the platform economy), Journal of International Relations and Development (forthcoming, on Covid-19 and conceptions of infrastructures), Politikon (on the security of infrastructures), and Policy and Society.

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