Caleb Scoville is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and at Tufts University. He studies the politics of environmental knowledge. Caleb is particularly interested in how “nature” takes on meaning at the intersections of various social and technical domains in the context of political conflict and environmental change. In a current book project on the case of the delta smelt, an endangered species of fish caught in the center of California’s water wars, he analyzes the dynamic interplay of extractive infrastructure, science, law, and public sphere controversy in response to water scarcity and biodiversity loss. He is also working on how artificial intelligence technologies are reshaping the field of environmental conservation in the context of climate change, the politics of face masks in the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the natural environment became an object of America’s hyper-partisan culture wars. His published work has appeared (or is forthcoming) in the American Journal of Sociology, Theory and Society, Theory Culture and Society, and Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, among other venues.