Ann Mische
Ann Mische is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. She is a faculty member of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and a Faculty Fellow of the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at Notre Dame. Currently, she is working on a book on the role of futures thinking and foresight methodologies in social and political change efforts focused on democracy, development, peacebuilding and climate change. She focuses in particular on the use of participatory scenario methods by democratic reform actors in the Global South, as well as on their links to transnational networks of sponsors and partners. She is also working on a separate project on the political trajectories of anti-partisan protest in the global protest wave since 2008. Her first book, Partisan Publics: Communication and Contention Across Brazilian Youth Activist Networks (Princeton University Press, 2008), examined civic and political networks of Brazilian youth activism during the re-democratization period. She has also written theoretical articles on agency, culture, networks, temporality, and social interaction.