Alex Hicks
J: Rethinking the Welfare State

Alex Hicks writes regularly on theory and methodology in literature on advanced industrial welfare states and is currently investigating the partisan and interest politics of U.S. income inequality; and the impact of international financial institutions, economists, and INGOs on Latin American economic and social policy. He is author of Social Democracy and Welfare Capitalism (Winner of the 1998-99 best book award of the American Political Science Association),recent co-author (with Edwin Amenta) of Research Methods in the Study of Welfare States (Obinger, Pierson, Castles, and Leibfried, eds., Oxford Handbook of Comparative Welfare States), and recent co-editor (with Lane Kenworthy)of Method and Substance in Macro-Comparative Analysis: the Case of Employment Growth. He was inagugural co-editor (with David Marsden) of the Socioeconomic Review and is curently a fourth-time member of the editorial board of the American Sociological Review.) “For me as a U.S. social scientist,” he says, “SASE opened an invaluable window onto the world of European social scientists working in the fields of economic sociology, political economy, and the economy and instituions. Interacting with SASE members from across the world is most exciting, as have been all of SASE’s meeting places, fabled and newly discovered.”

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This article is taken from
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