Alberto Cevolini

Prof. Dr. Alberto Cevolini teaches sociology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy). He was fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Constance (2010-2012). His research deals with social systems theory, sociology of knowledge and intellectual history. He is working on a sociological theory of insurance institution. Selected publications: ‘Time Construction in Insurance Society’, Journal of Historical Sociology, 29(2), 2016, pp. 160-181; ‘Der Preis der Hoffnung’, in A. Cevolini (Ed.): Die Ordnung des Kontingenten. Beiträge zur zahlenmäßigen Selbstbeschreibung der modernen Gesellschaft. Springer VS, 2014, pp. 177-207; ‘Coping with the Unknown. Time and Technology in Formal Organizations Searching for Safety’, Distinktion. Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 13(3), 2012, pp. 367-383; ‘Die Einrichtung der Versicherung als soziologisches Problem’, Sociologia Internationalis, (48)1, 2010, pp. 65-89.

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