Pandemic Dossier

In the lead-up to SASE’s 33rd annual conference, After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism, we compiled a collection of resources on the pandemic. Scroll down to explore these publications, many of them from SASE members!

For information on the 2021 SASE annual conference, click here.


Gender and the Pandemic

The SASE Women and Gender Forum has been compiling pandemic-related articles that specifically pertain to the gendered impact of COVID-19 in the world. Click through to access them...

Public Books Pandemic Syllabus

Public Books has put together an excellent pandemic syllabus, beginning with “the rhetoric of contagion and -demics” on Week 1, and ending with “COVID-19 and the path forward” on Week 11....

FEPS COVID Response Papers

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies offers policy ideas, analysis of the different proposals, and open-reflections with a new series of FEPS COVID Response Papers and the FEPS COVID Response Webinars....

Amitai Etzioni

The Nazi's did not stop me, I survived three years of fighting during the 1948 war. I'd be damned if I let a virus stop me." from Amatai Etzioni, the founder of SASE....