Honors and Distinctions

Gregory Jackson and Richard Deeg Win 2018 JIBS Decade Award

Congratulations to Gregory Jackson (Freie Universität Berlin) and Richard Deeg (College of Liberal Arts at Temple University) on having their paper “Comparing Capitalisms: Understanding Institutional Diversity and its Implications for International Business” selected as the winner of the 2018 JIBS Decade Award. Read the abstract here!

Network I Organizer Lara Monticelli Garners Marie-Curie Fellowship

Lara Monticelli, co-founder and co-chair of the SASE research network “Alternatives to Capitalism”, has been awarded the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship. Her research project, funded by the European Commission, will be conducted at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School where Lara was been appointed Assistant Professor in September 2018. Her Marie Skłodowska-Curie project (2018-2021), titled ‘EcoLabSS – Ecovillages as Laboratories of Sustainability and Social Change’, focuses on the (re)emergence of community-based, prefigurative social movements (e.g. sustainable communities, eco-villages, transition towns, solidarity networks) as living laboratories experimenting with practices of resilience and resistance to environmental, economic, and societal challenges. Lara is especially interested in how these movements re-politicize and re-configure everyday life, thus representing radical attempts to embody the critique to contemporary capitalism and prefigure alternative, sustainable futures. Lara is also involved in a number of parallel research and editorial projects in collaboration with non-governmental organizations like the Global Ecovillage Network and ECOLISE – the European Network for Community Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability.

Marie Piganiol Awarded RIODD-VIGEO EIRIS Prize 2018

Marie Piganiol, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (CSO) Sciences Po Paris, was awarded the “Prix de thèse RIODD VIGEO EIRIS 2018” for her work entitled Reconnecting Districts: The Genesis and Production of a New Urban Model. Read an abstract in English here.

ECW participant Barbara Kiviat Recognized with 3 Awards

The paper “The Art of Deciding with Data: Evidence from How Employers Translate Credit Reports into Hiring Decisions” by 2018 SASE Early Career Workshop participant Barbara Kiviat was recognized with three awards at the 2018 annual American Sociological Association meeting. Barbara’s paper received the Ronald Burt Outstanding Student Paper Award, given by the Economic Sociology Section of the ASA; the Best Student Paper Award, given by the Consumption Section of the ASA; and the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award Honorable Mention, given by the Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Section of the ASA. Read the thrice-laureled (and now unpaywalled) paper here.


* This article is taken from the SASE Winter Newsletter 2018/19 – Click here to go back to the Contents Page*


This article is taken from
SASE Winter Newsletter 18/19
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