Recent Publications – Winter 2017/2018
Here are the latest publications from SASE Authors.

Colin Crouch
Social Europe Edition, 2017

Jens Beckert and Matías Dewey (eds)
Oxford University Press, 2017

Trajectories of Neoliberal Transformation: European Industrial Relations Since the 1970s
Lucio Baccaro and Chris Howell
Cambridge University Press, 2017

Valérie Boussard (ed)
Routledge, 2018

Rulers and Capital in Historical Perspective: State Formation and Financial Development in India and the United States
Abhishek Chatterjee
Temple University Press, 2017

Firms as Political Entities: Saving Democracy through Economic Bicameralism
Isabelle Ferreras
Cambridge University Press, 2017

Working Law: Courts, Corporations, and Symbolic Civil Rights
Lauren B. Edelman
The University of Chicago Press, 2016

Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation
Valentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria, and Gary Gereffi (eds)
Routledge, 2018

Stephen M. Maurer
Cambridge University Press, 2017

Avenel C., Boisson-Cohen M., Dauphin S., Duvoux N., Fourel Ch., Jullien M., and Palier B.
La documentation Française, 2017

Migrações internacionais e agência estatal: O estado da arte no Brasil
Roberto Rodolfo Georg Uebel
Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 2017