SASE’s first ever virtual conference is taking place from 18-21 July 2020. To learn more, download the PDF program or browse the online program.

If you are not presenting at the conference but would like to sit in on sessions, you can access the 4-day virtual conference by becoming a member of SASE!

We are very pleased to host the second edition of Social Sciences for the Real World during the annual meeting. It is open to all who wish to sign up, regardless of whether you have registered for the conference or paid membership dues.

We are excited to announce our next annual conference theme, “After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism.” To learn more, consult the 2021 conference theme description.

In the meantime, the SASE office is moving to the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, Germany! We are grateful to the MPIfG for its hospitality, and to Sciences Po, Paris and the CSO (Center for the Study of Organizations) for their many years of generous support. The SASE office will continue to be available at

SASE Publication Prizes

Read the award committees’ decision texts and watch the authors talk about their publications here.
