The global financial crisis of 2007-‐2008, and the ensuing Great Recession, have discredited the market fundamentalist dogma that had assumed pride of place in social and development policymaking over the previous three decades. Policymakers have re-‐evaluated their commitment to a neoliberal model that delivered neither growth nor equity, and academics have not only voiced their own doubts about laissez faire but have begun to explore heterodox and multidisciplinary alternatives. While the Ibero-‐American countries have been particularly hostile to neoliberalism, and have animated some of the best known alternatives, they are still beset by a number of profound challenges. In the last three years, for example, Latin American growth rates have become anaemic, and progress on the social front has stagnated. And Spain and Portugal have not only been particularly hard hit by the financial crisis of 2007-‐2008 but have paid an enormous price for the budgetary austerity that followed.
The Ibero-‐American countries thus face a key moment in which the incipient alternatives that emerged in the wake of the crisis confront a number of threats, including the very real possibility of a conservative counter-‐reaction. In this context, the 2nd Ibero-‐American Meeting of Socio-‐Economics, a SASE Regional
Conference, will explore the prospects for these countries, with a particular focus on the state’s role in a post-‐neoliberal world. More specifically, we will examine the state´s capacity to promote a viable development agenda in the context of globalization by acting autonomously to implement industrial policies, defend countercyclical fiscal and monetary policies, build physical and institutional infrastructures, improve the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector, and enhance the quality of social policies. We will also acknowledge and examine the roles of of various forms of capitalism, with different institutional combinations, highlighting the importance of the state in coordinating policies which promote growth and competitiveness.
The socioeconomic demands, particularly in Latin American countries, put the issues into perspective for discussion on strategies and obstacles to sustainable development in the long term, and it should be analyzed from a multidisciplinary perspective. Accordingly, the 2nd Ibero-‐American Meeting on Socio-‐Economics will discuss the following issues: the state of the art in Socio-‐Economy Studies; development and varieties of Capitalism; democracy, citizenship and social movements; macroeconomics, financial systems and prudential regulation; culture, development and creative economy; employment, well-‐being, inequality and social policies; sustainable development, territory and environment; industry and international trade; globalization, international relations and regional integration.
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The acceptance of the abstract by the Scientific Committee is the prerequisite for presenting your communication to the II RISE. It will not be necessary to submit the full paper.