June 27-29, 2013
University of Milan

2013 – Milan

States in Crisis

For more than a century now, states have intervened strongly in the face of crises in capitalism to deal with their social and economic consequences. States invented new models of regulation (Keynesianism) to deal with capitalist contradictions, socialized the huge losses booked by banks and large firms, changed policy instruments to correct market failures, changed labor market regulations, or created new markets while supporting creative destruction. Crises are highly conducive to thinking about periods and varieties of capitalism, about regulation crises and dynamics, and about the role of the state; they also raise massive tensions and open the floor to political debates, which may call the legitimacy of the state into question and create political pressures.

The 2008 financial crisis and the ensuing recession demonstrate both the power and the vulnerability of the modern state. States were severely buffeted by the economic crisis, and most advanced democracies were forced to take dramatic and extensive policy measures, many of which involved hugely expensive public interventions into the private sector, only some of which have been paid back. Such measures threw the state’s centrality into sharp focus. Although major recessions have challenged state strength and capacity, they have not called into question the role of the state as the primary agent of policy initiatives, nor its legitimate authority to respond to economic crises.

The current crisis is no exception: active policy responses have been deployed across the world, from China and Brazil to the USA; in Europe, states are paying a huge price to support their banks, while the European fiscal crisis has led to unprecedented austerity measures in many southern and western European countries, which are under intense pressure from other states and from market actors. The current crisis has incited the rapid development of myriad state interventions, both internally and in relation to other states.  The 2013 SASE Annual Meeting seeks scholarship that documents and explains how states act in the face of crises, as well as the comparative consequences of those actions and the Implications for the restructuring of the relations between states and markets. Such accounts may investigate the role of material interests, the competence of state institutions (such as central banks), the inadequacy or effectiveness of state regulatory institutions, and the effect of long term global shifts in power and resources from the West to the East.

But there are also more fundamental changes occurring within states. Research in classical political economics by scholars such as W. Streeck, P. Hall, B. Jessop, R. Boyer and M. Mann has pointed out the profound restructuring states have undergone as a result of globalization, changing societies, and other phenomena such as the worsening of long-term fiscal crises or implementation failures. Some aspects of the state are growing (auditing, penalizing), while others are in retreat. Some scholars talk about a new phase of the Weberian state; others point to the emergence of neo-liberal governmentality. SASE 2013 also seeks contributions to this ongoing debate over the definition of the state and its role, as contributing to the construction of more market-oriented societies, or to the contrary, resisting and protecting against market pressures.

Program Directors
Local Organizers
  • Marino Regini (chair)
  • Gabriele Ballarino
  • Daniele Checchi
  • Maurizio Ferrera
  • Massimo Florio
  • Roberto Pedersini
  • Ida Regalia
  • Renata Semenza


Conference Venue

The main conference venues at Universita degli Studi di Milano are:

via Festa del Perdono 7
via Conservatorio 7

On-site conference registration will be held in the via Festa del Perdono 7 building, on Thursday, the 27th and Friday, the 28th from 8 am until 5pm, and Saturday morning, the 29th.  Come pick up your nametag and program at Aula Magna (Main Hall).


Special Events
Presidential Address and Awards Ceremony

This year’s Presidential Address will be held in Aula Magna at via Festa del Perdono 7 from 5:45pm until 6:45pm on Friday, June 28th.  It will be followed by an Awards Ceremony from 6:45pm until 7:15pm to celebrate the winners of this year’s travel grants, student stipends, SER Prize, and EHESS/France-Japan Foundation prizes.

Gala Reception

The Gala Reception will be held in the honor courtyard (Cortile d’Onore) of the via Festa del Perdono 7 building at 7:15pm, immediately following the Presidential Address and Awards Ceremony.

Socio-Economic Review: A Discussion of Publication Strategies, Topics, and New Developments with the Editors

Gregory Jackson, Chief Editor of the Socio-Economic Review, will speak on getting published in a peer-review journal in Aul 4 of via Conservatorio 7 from 2:15-3:45pm on Thursday, the 27th.


Computers and Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is available at the University but you will need to obtain your individual password at the registration desk.

*Please Note: Rooms at the via Conservatorio site are equipped with both projectors and computers. The rooms at the via Festa del Perdono are NOT equipped with computers, so you must bring your own computers if you plan on using a PowerPoint presentation (MAC users should bring a standard VGA convertor).



All presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes.

To view the complete program in pdf form, click here. However, do check the online schedule for the most up-to-date information.

Online program is available here.

SASE received a record number of submissions for mini-conference themes this year. We are pleased to announce those selected for our 2013 annual meeting!

Submissions to the SASE conference must be made through one of the mini-conferences below (or through a research network). Paper and session abstracts as well as full papers for grant, prize, and stipend applications must be submitted to all networks by January 14, 2013. Candidates will be notified by February 15, 2013. Please note that mini-conferences require an extended (~1,000 word) abstract, and ask that you submit a full paper by June 1st. For further information, please contact the organizer of the mini-conference  to which you are submitting.

Mini-conferences are based around a selected number of focused themes, and have open submissions for panels and papers, based on an extended abstract (approx. 1000 words). Each mini-conference will consist of 2 to 6 panels. Each panel will have a discussant, meaning that selected participants must submit a completed paper by June 1st. If a paper proposal cannot be accommodated within a mini-conference, organizers will forward it to the program committee, who will pass it on to one of the networks as a regular submission.

Cities in Crisis: The Urban Political Economy of the Global Recession
detailed info
Ugo Rossi
Manuel Aalbers
Social Protection Transformations, Development, and the Role of the State around the World: Challenges, Drivers, and Responses
detailed info
Camila Arza
Matteo Jessoula
Stefano Sacchi
Clemente Ruiz Durán
Flavio Gaitán
Moises Balestro
The Political Economy of Skills and Inequality
detailed info
Marius Busemeyer
Torben Iversen
Dealing with Immigration in Times of Economic Crisis
detailed info
Ana María López-Sala
Dirk Godenau
Public Sector Retrenchment and Restructuring: Implications for Public Service Workers and Work
detailed info
Patricia Findlay
Colin Crouch
Johanna Commander
Professions in Crisis
detailed info
Leonard Seabrooke
The Transformation of Higher Education Systems at a Time of Economic Crisis
detailed info
Christine Musselin
Marino Regini
Economic Culture in the Public Sphere
detailed info
Lyn Spillman
Frederick F. Wherry
Nina Bandelj
Social Change, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Activity
detailed info
Ted Baker
Silvia Dorado
Alex Nicholls
Ana Maria Peredo
Marc J. Ventresca
Central Banks, States, and Markets after the Crisis: Blurred Boundaries and Unchartered Territories
detailed info
Ismail Ertürk
Daniela Gabor
Zeev Rosenhek
Finance, Public Policy, and the Economy
detailed info
Beth-Anne Schuelke-Leech
Financial Participation and Profit Sharing
detailed info
Wenzel Matiaske
Simon Fietze
Rethinking Islamic Finance: Markets, Firms and Institutions
detailed info
Aaron Pitluck
Lena Rethel
States within the Categories of Financial Stability
detailed info
Benjamin Lemoine
Sabine Montagne
Horacio Ortiz

Featured Speakers and Panelists

Featured Speakers

We are pleased to announce this year’s featured speakers: Jeremy Adelman, Larry Bartels, Frank Dobbin, and Chiara Saraceno.

Jeremy Adelman
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Larry Bartels
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Frank Dobbin
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Chiara Saraceno
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Authors Meet Critics

The program committee announces the following featured panelists:

Cathie Jo Martin
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Duane Swank
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Michael Storper
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Víctor Nee
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Sonja Opper
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David Vogel
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Massimo Florio
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Richard Whitley
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Cornelia Storz
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