2022 ECW
Workshop Participants
Fabio Ascione, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University (joint PSE, ENS/EHESS), France
A Lending Hand from Abroad? Corporate Saving and Imported Intermediate Inputs in Three European Countries
Network O: Global Value Chains
Swati Chintala, New York University, USA
Solidarity and Collective Action in the Platform Economy in India
Network J: Digital Economy
Joshua Cova, Humboldt University of Berlin and Hertie School, Germany
Convergence and Readjustments: Exploring the Role of Minimum Wages in Europe’s Growth Models
Network E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States
Tommaso Crescioli, London School of Economics, UK
Reinforcing Each Other: How the Combination of European and Domestic Reforms Increased Competition in Liberalized Industries
Network H: Markets, Firms and Institutions
Robert Dorschel, University of Cambridge, UK
Tech Workers and the Class Matrix of Digital Capitalism
Network J: Digital Economy
Aida Garcia-Lazaro, University of Bath, UK
Growth Regimes, Intangible Capital and the Labour Share
Network E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States
Shaquilla Harrigan, University of Pennsylvania, USA
“She Can Get a Visa”: Intersectional Identity Work at a Kenyan NGO
Network D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World
Gustav Kalm, Columbia University, USA
“We Want Companies to Come Here!” Why Foreign Investment Flows Excite Witches and Lawyers Alike?
Network N: Finance and Society
Danish Khan, Franklin & Marshall College, USA
Reformulating Theories of ‘Accumulation By Dispossession’: Processes of ‘Contested Accumulations through Displacement’ in Postcolonial Punjab, Pakistan
Network B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development
Lukas Lehner, University of Oxford, UK
Begging Thy Coworker – Labor Market Dualization and the Slow-Down of Wage Growth in Europe
Network E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States
Wendy Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Trading Places: A Sequence Analysis of the Revolving Door in U.S. Trade Policy
Network D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World
Kristen McNeill, Brown University, USA
Gendered Evaluations, Gendered Effects: Gatekeeping Access to (micro)Credit Markets in Colombia
Network N: Finance and Society
Andrew Messamore, University of Texas at Austin, USA
The Effect of Community Organizing on Landlords’ Use of Eviction Filing: Evidence from U.S. Cities
Network A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society
Barbara Orth, Free University Berlin, Germany
Riders United Will Never be Divided? – a Cautionary Tale of Disrupting the Platformization of Urban Space
Mini-conference TH09: Labor and Collective Action in Transformation
Nicholas Pang, Columbia University, USA
Race, Occupation, and the National Imaginary of Deservingness in Bankruptcy
Network N: Finance and Society
Maria Sagmeister, University of Vienna, Austria
Legal Regulations of Domestic Care Work: Facilitating or Limiting Connectivity?
Network I: Alternatives to Capitalism
Josep Serrano-Serrat, Instituto Carlos III-Juan March, Spain
Skill Specificity, Labor Market Context and Attitudes Towards Immigration
Network E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States
Viktor Skyrman, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Connecting the Dots between Transnational Forces of Financialization and National Political Economies in Europe – the Institutionalization of Covered Bonds
Mini-conference TH01: Connecting the dots between global capitalism and national capitalisms
Diederik Stadig, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Unintentional Creation of a Tax Haven
E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States
Anna Wozny, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Intermediaries in Marketized Courtship Exchanges: The Case of Japanese “Marriage-Hunting”
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions
Mustafa Yavas, Yale University, USA
The White-Collar Opt-out
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources