Our World Unraveling: Economic Shocks, Inequalities in Health, Wellbeing, and the Populist Backlash

Gabor Scheiring (Ph.D., Cambridge), is a Marie Curie Fellow at Bocconi University. His research uses quantitative, qualitative, and comparative methods to address the socio-economic determinants of inequality in health and wellbeing, and how these inequalities shape democracy and capitalist diversity through the national-populist mutation of neoliberalism. His book, The Retreat of Liberal Democracy (Palgrave, 2020), winner of the BASEES 2021 Book Award, shows how working-class dislocation and business elite polarization enable illiberalism in Hungary. His comparative research explores how economic shocks have contributed to the postsocialist population crisis in Eastern Europe and to the deaths of despair epidemic in the US and how the lived experience of these shocks fuels populism through worse health and social disintegration. His work has appeared in leading journals such as The Lancet Global Health, Socio-Economic Review, Theory and Society, and the Annual Review of Sociology. As a member of the Hungarian Parliament (2010-2014) he advocated for a socially just transition to sustainability.