Establishing New SASE Research Networks

To apply for network status, organizers must first successfully run a mini-conference on the given topic for 3 years (not required to be consecutive). Network applications are first reviewed by the Network Oversight Committee (in consultation with the Network Organizer Forum), which makes a recommendation to the Executive Council either in its December meeting or its July meeting. If the proposal is accepted, the Network can officially begin during the conference of the following year. It is also possible to apply for a mini-conference to be converted into a sub-track of an existing network, or to propose a merger with an existing network.

To submit a proposal to the Executive Council please provide the following:

1. A short summary (200 words max) on the themes of the network comparable in style to existing networks – if accepted this would be used for the website:

2. A short justification (3 pages max) for the Research Network. This should include:

–The history of the topic within the SASE context, for example, previous mini-conferences and participation rates.

–Evidence that there is a substantial constituency interested in the topic, and that it is distinctive from existing networks.

–Commitment from the proposers to promote and administer the network for at least five years, with information on how new network organizers will be recruited, with an approximate (non-binding) timeline for this.

–Alternatively, or additionally: a description of how the proposal might be integrated into an existing network, either with a merger or as a sub-track, or with a different mechanism.

3. Short biographical sketches of the persons responsible for running the network (approximately 200-250 words, similar in format to the ones found on the network pages:

4. A list of supporters (a minimum of 10, with affiliation and career stage information) who would be interested in participating in this network at future conferences.

It bears repeating that the proposed network must be sufficiently different from existing networks to draw scholars from areas previously not represented, or underrepresented, at SASE conferences.  The Network Oversight Committee (in consultation with the Network Organizer Forum), followed by the Executive Council, will carefully review the network application to see if it should become a new network, or be included in an already existing one.

All applications should be sent to by the end of April to be considered for inclusion as a Network in the following year’s annual meeting.