E: Comparative Capitalisms

Network E accepts abstracts of approximately 500 words (deadline December 16 2024). If your abstract is accepted, you will be asked (but not required) to submit a full paper prior to the conference in Montreal (9-12 July 2025). The network organizers will be in touch about deadlines and specifications. 

Submissions can be made through the usual process, details here: https://sase.org/event/2025-montreal/#submission-guidelines

Call for papers

The general aim of this network is to advance rigorous qualitative and quantitative analyses in comparative and international political economy. The specific aim is to better integrate research on changing labor markets, industrial relations, and systems of social protection within the study of contemporary capitalisms. Of particular interest to this network is the analysis of the interactions between labor markets, industrial relations institutions (collective bargaining, wage setting, employment protection) and welfare policy, and their theoretical and conceptual contributions to the debate on institutional change in contemporary political economies. The network encourages interdisciplinary dialogue among sociologists, economists, and political scientists whose research draws on a variety of theoretical perspectives. Among more specific topics of interest are: responses of trade unions, employers, political parties and states to globalisation and economic crises; the new politics of dualisation and social risks; conditions, mechanics, and results of social concertation; interest representation and collective action in the formal and informal economy; and the determinants of change and resilience in coordinated forms of labour market governance. The network also encourages contributions on international migration; drivers of social policy preferences; and the link between party system realignment and distributive politics.

