C: Gender, Work and Family

Network C accepts abstracts of approximately 500 words (deadline December 16 2024).

Submissions can be made through the usual process, details here: https://sase.org/event/2025-montreal/#submission-guidelines

Call for papers

This network focuses on exploring the current state, and the changes in institutions concerned with gender and family roles and workplace organization. A particular interest of the network is theory and research on social policies that produce greater compatibility between institutions geared toward production for the market and reproduction in the family. The network also focuses on cultural and social barriers that prevent positive integration of family and work, examines gender inequalities in work and family, and looks at the inter-relationship of gender roles across these institutions. Empirical as well as theoretical contributions are welcome.

Some possible themes for presentations and sessions (you can organize a session with 3-4 papers) include the following: care issues, work-life articulation, parental leave policies, working time and gender, elder care, the role of the State and firms in work-life issues, social policies and care regimes, international comparisons, etc.