Amitava Krishna Dutt is Professor of Economics and Political Science in the Department of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, USA, and Distinguished Professor of Economics at FLACSO, Ecuador. He works on the political economy of inequality; global uneven development; consumption, happiness and wellbeing; the political economy of development; heterodox economic theory; the intersection of economics, politics and sociology; and power and uncertainty. His publications include Growth, distribution and uneven development (Cambridge, 1990), Economics and ethics (with Charles Wilber, Palgrave, 2010), Pathways to economic development (Oxford, 2014), and numerous papers in edited volumes and journals, including American Economic Review, Cambridge Journal of Economics, History of Political Economy, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Institutional Economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Review of Political Economy, Review of Radical Political Economics, and World Development. He is a coeditor of the international journals, Metroeconomica and Review of Social Economy.
Amitava Krishna Dutt