I am Assistant Professor at the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations at Michigan State University and Associate Professor at FAOS at the University of Copenhagen, where I also earned my PhD in Sociology in 2013. I have previously been a visiting scholar at Sloan School of Management at MIT in 2012 and at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University in 2017.
My research falls within the fields of comparative political economy, industrial relations and economic sociology. I am particularly interested in how producer group politics affect change in labor market regulation and welfare state policies. Most of my research has focused on the development of collective bargaining systems in Northern Europe from a historical institutionalist perspective and the trends in trade union membership using Danish administrative data. I aim to work across disciplines and methodologies.
Currently, I am working on three new projects. The first focuses on membership logics of employer associations in Sweden and Denmark with respect to wage bargaining and collective skill formation. The second focuses on political coalitions in regulating digital labor platforms. The third focuses on vocational education and digitalization in Denmark and Sweden. My work has been published in journals such as World Politics, Socio-Economic Review, British Journal of Industrial Relations, European Sociological Review, European Journal of Industrial Relations and International Journal of Human Resource Management. I am currently on the editorial board of Journal of Industrial Relations and on the advisory board for Global Labour Journal.