Audrey Vézian has a PhD in sociology at Sciences Po and has been a post-doctoral researcher at ENS Lyon and Cancer center Léon Bérard since 2015. After completing a dissertation on the reorganization of Cancer Research in France between 2002-2013, she conducted two successive studies, one on the design and implementation processes of a public policy promoting personalized medicine in the cancer area (Sites intégrés de recherche sur le cancer) and the other on the intervention of private actors in the production of big data in biopathology. Audrey Vézian’s research has a theoretical framework based on three analytical perspectives: the sociology of public action, the sociology of science, and the sociology of organization. This research looks into rationalization processes in public action in the fields of biomedical sector. Two threads run through his research: on the one hand, the organization of biomedical activity and the rationalization processes at work, and on the other, design and implementation processes of public policies in the healthcare field.
Audrey Vezian