Hequn Wang

Hequn Wang is a postdoctoral researcher at Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain, Belgium) and has recently completed her doctoral studies in sociology at University of Hamburg (Germany). Her doctoral thesis examined the socioeconomic perceptions and insecurity of Europeans, and their attitudes towards inequality and social policy across Europe. Her general research interests include social inequality, perceptions, (subjective) well-being, welfare attitudes, as well as country-comparative and panel analyses. Her work has been published in international journals, such as Social Indicators Research and the International Journal of Social Welfare.

She is currently engaged in an interdisciplinary, collaborative project (the BE-WELL project) that involves UCLouvain, University of Antwerp, University of Luxembourg, and University of Padua. The project investigates Europeans’ subjective well-being and mental health across different sociodemographic groups over the past decades and in post-Covid times. Her research also accounts for the perspective of socioeconomic insecurity in both objective and subjective terms.

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